Singapore Quality Class (SQC) and the People Developer Standard (PDS) Award
Singapore Quality Class (SQC) and the People Developer Standard (PDS) Award
We are pleased to announce that Victoria School has been awarded the Singapore Quality Class (SQC) and the People Developer Standard (PDS) by Spring Singapore.
Launched in 1997, the Singapore Quality Class (SQC) is a scheme to recognise organisations that have attained a commendable level of performance in the journey to achieve world-class standards of excellence. The SQC framework is a set of categories that encompass various aspects of organisational excellence, including leadership, strategic planning, operational and administrative efficiency, staff and student welfare and development, and key results in the cognitive, social, moral, aesthetic and leadership domains. Membership in the SQC is determined by the organisation’s level of performance measured against the Service Quality Award (SQA) model. The SQC Award means that VS has joined other national organisations that have attained a high level of performance in education and business excellence.
The award of the People Developer Standard (PDS) is a recognition of the school’s emphasis on people practices, staff development and training effectiveness.
We thank all staff, students, Victoria Advisory Committee (VAC) Chairman and members, Parent Support Group (PSG) and parents, Old Victorians’ Association (OVA) and alumni, and all partners and stakeholders for the strong support.
Nil Sine Labore.