Gryphon Youth Outreach Programme Award Ceremony
Gryphon Youth Outreach Programme Award Ceremony
8 of our cadets from Victoria School NPCC Unit came together to form a team (“Victoria Police Youth Ambassadors”) to participate in the Gryphon Youth Outreach Programme (GYOP) Best Noticeboard Competition 2016 which was organised by Bedok Police Division.
We are pleased to share that “Victoria Police Youth Ambassadors” managed to achieve an overall 1st position in the Best Noticeboard Competition. The team members are:
1. SSgt (NPCC) Brandon Hong Jia Hao (Team Leader)
2. SSgt (NPCC) Loh Jun Heng Donovan (Assistant Team Leader)
3. SSgt (NPCC) Justin Ng Shi Jie
4. SSgt (NPCC) Goh Kwang Jin Ryan
5. SSgt (NPCC) Teh Zu Hao
6. SSgt (NPCC) Ang Zi Jun, Dayn
7. SSgt (NPCC) Seah Weijie Lincoln
8. SSgt (NPCC) Bharath Rai
In addition, Victoria School Singapore has been awarded the overall 3rd position for the Best Community Safety and Security Program (CSSP) Award in the Bedok Division GYOP School CSSP Competition.
On behalf of our school and NPCC unit, we would like to thank our neighbourhood friendly police officers from Bedok South NPC for the support and opportunities that you have given us over the years.